What Physios Should Know About Strength & Conditioning

What Physios Should Know About Strength & Conditioning

As a physiotherapist, it is essential to understand the importance of strength and conditioning for clients to support their recovery and rehabilitation best. Strength and conditioning can help improve mobility, reduce pain, and provide an overall sense of well-being.

In this blog post, we will discuss five reasons why strength and conditioning are essential for physios to understand and utilize when working with their clients. By understanding the benefits of strength and conditioning, physiotherapists will be better equipped to develop tailored rehabilitation plans that lead to successful outcomes.

5 Reasons Why Strength & Conditioning is Essential for Physios

Strength and conditioning are a vital part of physical therapy that many physiotherapists may not be aware of. This exercise is beneficial for injury prevention and improving an individual’s performance. Physios need to understand the importance of strength and conditioning to provide their patients with the best possible care.

1) Strength & Conditioning Reduces Injuries: By building strength in muscles, tendons and ligaments, strength and conditioning reduce the risk of injuries. This is especially true for athletes, who often experience injuries due to overtraining or insufficient preparation.

2) Strength & Conditioning Enhances Performance: Strength and conditioning help individuals reach their peak performance level. It increases muscle mass, improves power and explosiveness, and improves joint health and stability.

3) Strength & Conditioning Improves Posture: Poor posture is widespread among athletes and everyday people. Strength and conditioning can help improve posture by increasing core strength, which helps to keep the spine in proper alignment.

4) Strength & Conditioning Reduces Chronic Pain: Chronic pain can be caused by several factors, such as incorrect posture or weak muscles. Regular strength and conditioning exercises can help reduce chronic pain by strengthening muscles, improving joint mobility, and correcting posture.

5) Strength & Conditioning Increases Bone Density: Bone density decreases with age, leading to various health problems, including osteoporosis. Strength and conditioning can help increase bone density through regular weight-bearing activities that stress the bones. This helps to strengthen bones and make them more resistant to fractures.


In conclusion, strength and conditioning are essential aspects of physical therapy that every physiotherapist should understand. Strength and conditioning can profoundly impact patient outcomes, allowing physiotherapists to help their patients achieve their physical goals.

Physiotherapists knowledgeable in strength and conditioning can help their patients gain strength, improve balance and stability, reduce pain, and prevent injuries. Ultimately, incorporating strength and conditioning into physical therapy can lead to increased success rates in rehabilitation and improved patient outcomes.

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